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Enhanced User Interface And Functionality

WEB Major Upgrades for SOGo Web Portal

Enhanced User Interface and Functionality

The SOGo webmail interface has undergone a significant upgrade to provide users with an improved and more user-friendly experience. Along with your Uni-ID or project number, you will automatically gain access to this upgraded portal.

Key Features of the Upgraded SOGo Portal

  • Modern and intuitive design for easy navigation
  • Seamless integration with other university services
  • Enhanced security measures for data protection
  • Expanded functionality for collaboration and communication

Accessing the Upgraded SOGo Portal

To access the upgraded SOGo portal, simply visit the University of Heidelberg's Mailserver SOGo page using your Uni-ID and password.

Additional Resources

  • Guide for accessing SOGo via Outlook email client
  • Information about Heidelberg University's new campus management system, heiCO Heidelberg Campus Online
  • Instructions for transferring appointments, contacts, and forwarding from the previous SOGo version
